For Immediate Release
July 23, 2024


Trenton Youth Wrestling and Learning Center Receives State Appropriation

One of the State's most successful youth sports development organizations is the recipient of a grant from the State of New Jersey in the upcoming budget year. After seeing a groundswell of support and advocacy for the group, the grant will be earmarked for a state-of-the art building which will house the organization's wrestling activities along with classrooms to complement the health and fitness programs. The organization uses sports to serve young boys and girls in the Trenton area, now serving just over 150 student athletes, with plans for growth in the coming years. The Center will be located in downtown Trenton, part of a movement to bring back businesses and entertainment activities to serve the larger community.

President Mark McLaughlin, who led a vigorous campaign to mount support, said, "This is a remarkable accomplishment for our organization. As best as I can tell, this is the first time ever a youth wrestling and learning organization has been recognized by the Governor and State legislature. Our elected officials have sent a strong message to our scholar athletes and to all Trenton boys and girls. The essence of it was: we believe in you and your future. This is a profound statement and the money is a strong validation towards our growing capital campaign to make this a landmark for Trenton."

Assemblywomen Velina Reynolds Jackson, who sponsored the appropriation, stated, “I was very proud to be the lead sponsor in support of this appropriation. The Center's presence and work in our community is an example of how sports and educational support can make a profound difference in the lives of our young people. Their work is an example of the kinds of things our community should be doing to meet the ever challenging needs of our youth. This new Center will be a model for others and I look forward to helping them and being a witness to their good work.”

The Trenton Youth Wrestling and Learning Center is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization committed to providing wrestling and educational opportunities for young boys and girls in the greater Trenton, New Jersey area. This year-round program aims to promote personal growth, build self-esteem, and develop lifelong skills through the sport of amateur wrestling.

The Center employs a distinctive approach that combines wrestling (physical exercise, team building, and life skills), education (character development, literacy, arts, and experiential learning,) and community service. This integrated model helps to shape Trenton's youth into well-rounded, confident young people ready to take on the world.

Governor Phil Murphy remarked,“Youth athletic organizations like the Trenton Youth Wrestling and Learning Center provide New Jersey’s student athletes with opportunities to develop critical life skills. Thanks to our partners in the legislature, our FY25 Budget helps to fund the construction of new spaces in the Center for both fitness and programming, benefitting over 150 students in downtown Trenton.”

Contact: Ray Bethea
Director of Operations
T: (609) 553-8150

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